Dear members,
As the end of season draws near there are a few reminders and updates for you:
Firstly – a BIG BIG thank you Quentin, Geoff, to all colts, parent’s and coaches who turned out for colts awards day on Sunday.
In perfect weather, the day started with fun games on the outfield, followed by a Q&A with local Middlesex fast bowler Tom Helm.
Each age group coach then gave out their awards for the season with Tom presenting the medals and trophies

We finished the day with a mixed adult and colt T20 in the evening sun.
The future looks very bright at Wheathampstead.
Next Socials
The 1’s will start the Barbie at the conclusion of the last game of the season.
Time to reflect on the runs, the wickets, the catches. From 19:00
***SAVE THE DATE*** SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER - End of Season Awards Evening
Details to follow in the next few days.
Colts Summer Camps
Eamonn & co’s summer camps are now over for another year.
We had over 50 boys and girls of all levels & abilities attend over two dates.

A big thanks to everyone who made it possible.
£500 raised for the club!
League Results
Results can be found here:-
1st XI - https://www.hertsleague.co.uk/results/442/Division-Three-B/2019
Down to the last game, the 1s need 6 points to guarantee safety in 3b. A win could see them move mid table to 6th.
2nd XI - https://www.hertsleague.co.uk/results/451/Division-Eight-A/2019
The 2s unfortunately find themselves relegated to division to 8b.
They play bottom of the table Knebworth away on Saturday – here’s hoping they can end on a high.
3rd XI - https://www.hertsleague.co.uk/results/460/Regional-Division-B-West/2019
The 3rd XI have finished their league campaign and have ended a respectable 8/16.
They’re hoping for one more game this Saturday if they can get a side out.
If you’re interested ping Quentin a message – any and all abilities welcome – colts, parents, all!
Cheers & I hope you all have enjoyed your summer at Wheathampstead